
711 篇文章



使短文完整、正确。Mattie Stepanek was born on July 17,1990 in Maryland,the U.S. The young poet only lived for about

thirteen years,but he lived every moment of his life to the fullest. 1 At the age of three,the disease

killed his brothers. From then on,he began writing poetry (诗) about love,peace and value of life.2

In 2001,Mattie's first book of poetry Heartsongs was published.3 In the next few years he wrote

four other books of poetry Journey Through Heartsongs,Hope Through Heartsongs,Celebrate Through

Heartsongs and Loving Through Heartsongs. And more than one million copies were sold. Mattie became

famous but he was still very sick. He had to spend a lot of time in hospital and use a wheelchair to get around.4"We must remember to play after every storm…We must always listen to the song in our heart,

and share that song with others," he wrote.

Mattie passed away on the morning of June 22,2004. His story has touched millions of lives.5 A. Soon the book become a national best-seller.

B. Although he lived a short life,his poems will continue to reach people of all ages around the world.

C. And soon he became very popular.

D. Mattie and his brothers all had a terrible muscle-weakening (肌肉萎缩的) disease.

E. However,he never seemed sad and angry.

F. He felt worried and sad.

G. To him,poetry is "a way that you can inspire (激励) others while you're expressing your true feelings."


1-5: DGAEB





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