
711 篇文章







A long time ago, there was a prince of a When he grew old enough to marry, he decided to find a princess who was going to be his So he started to travel all around the


The prince visited many countries and searched for a beautiful and kind princess, but no princess seemed good enough to be his "There is no great princess in this " He was disappointed and went back to his country


One day, there was a frightening night of thunder, lightning, and very severe Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the "Who is it in the middle of this stormy night?" The king went out his room and opened the door by himself A girl in shabby clothes was standing in front of the Even though she looked tired from the severe rainstorm and the strong winds, she was beautiful and looked


She was soaking wet with "I am a princess of your neighboring country, but I got Could you please let me stay in your castle " She asked him The king was surprised to hear that the shabby girl was a princess, and he allowed her to stay in his castle out of


But the queen thought the girl was 'Is the girl with those shabby clothes a princess? I am sure she is not a princess, but let her stay here with us tonight for the '


The queen thought to herself like this and went into a guest's She took all the sheets off the bed, and put a grain of a green pea on the Then, she covered the bed with twenty layers of blankets and another twenty layers of soft bird feather The girl fell asleep in that


The next morning, the queen asked the girl, "Did you sleep well last night?" Then, she answered, "I appreciate your kindness, but there was something under the It hurt me so much I could hardly sleep last "


The queen was surprised at what she heard, and she thought that the girl must be a great If the girl was so sensitive that she could not sleep well because of a green pea even under many blankets and soft bird feather blankets, she must be a noble They found the noble princess The prince was happy when he heard the


The prince made the princess his The green pea was displayed in a If someone had not taken the pea away, maybe we could have seen the pea in the




A long time ago there lived a poor “Today, I will make a dish out of ” Grandmother prepared to light the oven furnace with firewood and “Ouch, Ouch” “Oh my ” As soon as the peas were poured into the pot, each one cried


Just then, when the grandmother wasn't looking one pea jumped out of the pot and rolled in front the “Whew! I made But where am I?” The pea whispered to


Right about then, a lump of charcoal that was burning in the furnace made a small cry and flew “Gosh! This is hard” The charcoal squinted his eyes and wiped his sweat


The straw first questioned the “Pea, how did you get here?” “From grandmother's pot, just as the fire was being lite up to cook me and my friends, I ran away” The pea proudly


Next, the straw asked the “How did you get here?” “With all my strength from the pot, I just barely got ” Charcoal replied


When the straw heard this, he poured out his heart “My fate is similar to yours All my brothers went into the fire, but luckily I slipped out through the ” “Oh I see!” “Really?” The pea and the charcoal each said a word and


Charcoal said in a worried “What should we do now?” “Since, we all escaped luckily let us live together in this strange ”


In hearing pea, charcoal and straw thought for a “What should we do?” “I think we should do what the pea ” So, the pea, charcoal and the straw decided to leave that


It hadn't been long since they left when they came across a “How can we cross the stream?” “There's no stepping stone, if only there were some “We can't go back, can't there be a better way?” They stared at one another and


A little while later, the straw thought of a good “Since my body is light and long, if I lie down and stretch myself across the stream you guys can ” “Will it be alright?” “We will have to ” On the one hand, pea and charcoal couldn't help in


The straw laid across the “Hurry! You must cross If you stay in one place too long, I could catch on ” Charcoal quickly began crossing over the


But, as charcoal was crossing, he looked “I'm scared! Oh what should I do?” Charcoal could no longer “Hurry up and cross!” Straw said with all his


However, just at that moment, from the charcoal the straw caught on “Oh no!” The straw broke in two and fell into the “Ahh!” At the same time, charcoal fell into the


Pea, who was watching this scene, couldn't help “Ha Ha Ha” “Ha Ha Ha” The pea laughed so hard that he broke in “Oh no, I'm dying”


Luckily just then, a tailor was crossing the “I will rest here for a ” “Help me” the tailor heard a faint voice and found the split


The sympathetic tailor sewed the split pea back together, “You are lucky that I'm a ” “I'm really ” As the tailor was finishing up sewing the pea, the pea said


The pea thanked the “Thank you very ” “But, because the thread is black there will be a ” Just like the tailor said, since then there was a black mark down the middle of the



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