完形填空。 The computer is a very wonderful machine today, and it's so 1 t

711 篇文章


完形填空。     The computer is a very wonderful machine today, and it's so   1   that it seems that we   2   live or work
without it. Computers are used in many   3  , such as offices, factories, big shops, schools and even homes.
With the computer people are living a better   4  .
     The computer is one of the greatest inventions in the   5   century. The first computer was built in America
in 1945 which was named ENIAC, and it was not only very   6  , but also quite heavy. It was as big as ten
ordinary (普通的) rooms!
     But the computer is developing very fast. Today they're becoming smaller and smaller, lighter and lighter, and
  7   faster and faster. There are so many kinds of different computers in the market that you can choose one
that you like best.
     The computer can do a lot of things for people, and it also helps us to learn about the real world. With the
computer you can   8   an e-mail just in a few seconds to your friend far away, but if you post the letter, it will
take your friend quite a long time to receive your   9  .
     Now you can see the computer really gives us a very nice picture about the world of tomorrow. So as a
student in the 21st century, you have to work hard and learn how to   10   the computer very well. Don't you
think so? (     ) 1. A. beautiful  
(     ) 2. A. can        
(     ) 3. A. roads      
(     ) 4. A. life      
(     ) 5. A. 18th      
(     ) 6. A. useful    
(     ) 7. A. studying  
(     ) 8. A. give      
(     ) 9. A. letter    
(     ) 10. A. get         B. interesting  
B. can’t        
B. streets      
B. friend        
B. 19th          
B. large        
B. teaching        
B. take          
B. book          
B. use         C. useful    
C. must      
C. crossings  
C. family    
C. 20th      
C. small      
C. walking        
C. post      
C. help      
C. read     D. enjoyable    
D. mustn’t     
D. places       
D. country      
D. 21st         
D. cheap        
D. working            
D. send         
D. message      
D. write      

题型:未知 难度:其他题型


1-5: CBDAC   6-10: BDDAB





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