2022年中考英语复习:Japanese Poem Card Game

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学分高考网整理了关于2022年中考英语复习:Japanese Poem Card Game,希望对同学们有所帮助,仅供参考。
Japanese Poem Card Game
The Karuta(歌留多) game is a traditional Japanese game. What is Karuta? Karuta is a Japanese word for a game which is played everywhere. It's really quite simple:
1. Lay all the cards face down on the table or floor.
2. The students put their hands on their heads.
3. The teacher calls out one of the cards.
4. The first student to "snap"(抢夺) the card keeps it.
5. When there are no more cards, the winner is the person with the most.
This game usually works well with pronunciation.
A Japanese poem card game was held in Beijing on Saturday. This was also a Karuta game.
More than a score of Chinese college and middle school students and a dozen Japanese primary school student , joined in the Karuta (歌留多) game. The Chinese students were from Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing University of Science and Technology and some other universities. They tried to recite some of the poems written on the cards. A third-year college student felt she was lucky she got the victory. Her team won the first place.
The students from two countries played together and were friendly to each other.
二十(score)多位中国大学生和中学生以及十二(dozen)位日本小学生(primary school students)参加了这次歌留多比赛。
这些中国学生来自北京外国语大学、北京科技(science and technology)大学和其他一些学校。他们尽力背诵(recite)写在卡片上的一些诗歌。一位大三的学生觉得自己能获得胜利(victory)很幸运。她的队赢得第一名(win the first place)。


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