2022年中考英语复习:Don't Pay the Cost

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Don't Pay the Cost
All kinds of vehicles——buses, coaches, cars and motorcycles, come and go every day. But it seems that we think the road is ours! The drivers may be a boss or a high-level worker, but will not care about the rules of road.
We feel proud that we've got our driving license, but we must drive safely. It is wise to follow many rules and laws. You must know what traffic lights and signs(标记) mean. You must know where and when you can park . Also use common sense and politeness. Be careful and enjoy the drive!
Never pay the cost of your and your family's safety along with the safety of other people on the road. Please set an example to your kids and others.
我们得到了驾照(driving license)觉得很骄傲,但我们必须安全驾驶。遵守众多规?章和法律是明智的(wise)。你必须要知道交通灯(traffic lights)和标识的含义。你必须要知道你在何时何地停车(park)。此外,运用常识,要有礼貌。要小心并享受驾驶!


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