I live on the twelfth floor of a building. One afternoon I was coming home from

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I live on the twelfth floor of a building. One afternoon I was coming home from a friend’s house. It was just after four o’clock. I got quickly into the lift and pressed Button(按钮) 12.
The lift started to go up, but very slowly. And then, half way up, it suddenly stopped between two floors. I couldn’t understand it. I pressed all the buttons from 1 to 14. I called for help very loudly. But nobody answered.
Then suddenly the lights went out, and I was alone in the dark. I started to cry and beat the walls of the lift. I cried and cried until I had no voice left. Then, I felt hopeless, and pressed all the buttons with my open hands. And all at the same time, there was a bell far away. It rang and rang. It was the fire alarm(火灾警报). I thought the whole building was on fire. I said to the God quietly, “ Just get me out of here. I’ll never be bad again.”
Just then, I realized the lift was moving very slowly. On the ground floor it stopped, and the door opened. A man was standing there. “ How long have you been there? It is good that you pressed the alarm bell. But haven’t you learned to read at your school ?” He pointed at a small piece of paper on the wall beside the lift. It said: “Attention:This lift will be stopped for repairs between 4 pm and 5 pm on Thursday, March 13.”
小题1:What happened to the lift?A.It had a fire accident.B.It stopped half way.C. It was turned off by the writer.D.It moved fast up to the top floor.小题2:As the situation went on, the writer became ________.A.more and more scaredB.calmer and calmerC.more and more boredD.clearer and clearer小题3:Why did a bell ring from far away?A.The lift was to start again.B.The repair worker rang the fire alarm.C.The building was on fire.D.The writer pressed the fire alarm bell.小题4:Who most probably made the lift move again and go down to the ground floor?A.The writer.B.The writer’s friend.C.The man.D.The writer’s father.小题5:After reading the paper , the writer realized that he/she had ________.A. escaped a fire accidentB. made a silly mistakeC. visited a dishonest friendD. pressed a wrong button

题型:未知 难度:其他题型





小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段And then, half way up, it suddenly stopped between two floors.描述,然后,在上到一半时,电梯突然在两层楼之间停止了,故选B。
小题3:推理判断题。根据第三段Then, I felt hopeless, and pressed all the buttons with my open hands. And all at the same time, there was a bell far away.那时我绝望了,我张开着手按所有的按钮,就在同时,远处有铃响,可知她按响了火警的按钮。故选D。


据学分高考专家说,试题“I live on the twelft.....”主要考查你对 [人物传记类阅读 ]考点的理解。



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