选词填空。eat, high, no, one, write, back, know

711 篇文章



eat,high,no,one,write,back,know,read,drink,even,with,reach Rebecca Stevens was the1 British woman to climb Mount Qomolangma. Before she went up2

mountain in the world,she was a journalist and lived in a small flat (公寓) in South London.

In 1993,Rebecca left her job and her family and traveled to Asia3 some other climbers. She found that life

on Qomolangma is hard. "You must carry everything on your4 ," she said,"so you can only take things that

you will need. You can't wash on the mountain,and in the end I didn't5 take a toothbrush. I am usually a

clean person but there is6 water,only snow. Water is very heavy so you only take enough7 !"

When Rebecca8 the top of Mount Qomolangma on May 17,1993,it was the best moment of her life.

Suddenly she became famous.

Now she9 a book about the trip and people often ask her to talk about it. She has a new job too,on a

science programme on television.

Rebecca 10 today and she has more money,but she still lives in the little flat in South London among her

pictures and books about mountains!

1.2.3. 4.5.

6. 7. 8. 9.10.


1. first 2. the highest 3. with 4. back 5. even 6. no

7. to drink 8. reached 9. has written 10. is known





温馨提示:本文【选词填空。eat, high, no, one, write, back, know】由作者教育大世界提供。该文观点仅代表作者本人,学分高考系信息发布平台,仅提供信息存储空间服务,若存在侵权问题,请及时联系管理员或作者进行删除。
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