完型填空。从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Chen Zhon

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完型填空。从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Chen Zhonghe,head coach of China's women volleyball team,is an optimistic (乐观的) person. He keeps1

even during the hardest time. Chen 2 his team to win the World Cup in 2003. The team then won at the 2004

Athens Olympics. But when Chen first took charge of (负责) the team in 2001,few people belived he could take

the team to the 3 . Some even said Chen could not be a good4 ,for he couldn't even speak Mandarin

(普通话) well.

The worst time was at the World Championships in 2001. Chen didn't want his team to meet strong Russian

team early,5 they lost a few games on purpose (故意). This led to a bad6 . They just got the fourth.

People were 7 with him. But Chen wasn't disappointed. He stood up from where he fell down. He was 8

the team could work together and get over its difficulties. And 9 he succeeded in 2003.

"Sunlight always comes 10 wind and rain," said Chen. ( ) 1. A. crying

( ) 2. A. carried

( ) 3. A. end

( ) 4. A. coach

( ) 5. A. because

( ) 6. A. cold

( ) 7. A. angry

( ) 8. A. nervous

( ) 9. A. at first

( ) 10. A. after

B. smiling

B. told

B. top

B. player

B. though

B. disease

B. pleased

B. worried

B. at last

B. before

C. sleeping

C. led

C. right

C. writer

C. but

C. result

C. strict

C. afraid

C. on time

C. under

D. eating

D. asked

D. left

D. worker

D. so

D. excuse

D. busy

D. sure

D. in time

D. between


1-5: BBAAA6-10: CADBA





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