阅读理解。 The 26-year-old,Sui Feifei, shines i

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阅读理解。 The 26-year-old,Sui Feifei,shines in basketball games. But it is her pretty face that catches her most

attention (注意). she is known as "beauty" on the basketball court (篮球场).

Sui Feifei has been on China′s women basketball team for many years,but now,she will have a new

life: Playing in the WNBA (美国女子职业篮球联赛) for Sacrammento Monarchs (萨克拉门托君主队)

in the US.

It′s the first time for Sui to work and live abroad. she said she is ready for the challenges (挑战) ahead.

She shows great confidence,and this comes mostly from her good spoken English!

When she went to get her visa (签证),she talked happily with the officer there,and even gave the

officer a lesson in basketball in English!

"My best point is that I enjoy speaking---I′m never afraid to open my mouth!" she said.

Sui is outgoing. She likes speaking to any foreigner.

Off the court,Sui is a good writer. Her love of writing comes from having read widely,even kungfu


Sui writes for many newspapers,but she also enjoys keeping diaries. She feels free to put her thoughts

down on a piece of paper!

Sui looks nice but she doesn′t want to be like just for her beauty. "As for me,the courage (勇气) and

wisdom you see on court shows the real beauty,not a pretty face," she once said. 1.Sui Feifei is one of the best basketball players in _____. A. England

B. China

C. Sacramento Monarchs 2. Many people know Sui Feifei because she _____. A. is not only good at basketball but also beautiful

B. is the only Chinese girl playing in the WNBA in the USA

C. is the most beautiful girl in China 3. The underlined word"confidence" in the third paragraph means "_____" in Chinese. A. 智慧

B. 勇气

C. 自信4. Sui can speak English quite well because she _____. A. often goes aboard

B. learned it hard at school

C. practices it very often 5. Which of the three is true? A. Sui wants people to notice her pretty face on the basketball court.

B. In her spare time,Sui enjoys reading and writing.

C. When she is free,Sui likes to write what she thinks on paper.







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