词汇题1. When you walk slowly around the big

711 篇文章


词汇题1. When you walk slowly around the big lake,you'll feel the __________(美丽) of the old park.

2. I often play with Julie. She is my __________(亲密的) friend.

3. At the __________(开始),we didn't enjoy the party at all.

4. __________(幸运),he didn't hurt himself in the fire.

5. Do you know who is the __________(总统) of the USA?

6. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are both my __________(英雄).

7. My favourite s__________ is Home Economics.

8. His daughter has poor e__________. She can't see the words on the blackboard.

9. English is an important l__________. We should learn it well.

10. It is a m__________ school. Boys and girls have lessons together.


1. beauty 2. close3. beginning 4. Luckily5. President

6. heroes7. subject8. eyesight 9. language10. mixed





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