
711 篇文章




Good afternoon, teachers. It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is the second reading of Unit 10, Book I. I’ll be ready to begin with this lesson from six parts: Analysis of the students, analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the teaching & learning methods, the teaching aids and the teaching procedures. First, let me talk about my students.

Part I Analysis of ss

My students are from Grade One in vocational schools.

No.1 They have a poor vocabulary, little motivation to learn initially and no confidence in expressing themselves.

No.2 There are distinct individual among them.

No.3 They are quick in thinking and long for victory. They may raise interest in the topic because of its familiarity, and are eager to know these differences.

No.4 In my class, ss will be given a preview plan to understand the reading, progressive tasks in competition to ensure overall participation.

Part II Analysis of the teaching material

Our textbook is taken from English Book I for vocational schools. It emphasizes on interest and utility.

Since some information about cultural differences has been mentioned in previous units, this unit will focus on introducing individual differences and building the sense of cross-cultural communication.

Reading II will demonstrate cultural differences further and occupies an important position. It will take up two periods, and I’ll deal with the second period for reading comprehension, and concentrate on ss’ abilities of reading and using English fluently.

Part III Teaching aims

No.1 Teaching aims

After studying the teaching material and analyzing ss’ present situations, I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1. Knowledge aims

1) To master some key words and expressions: awkward, courtesy, direct, misunderstand, as soon as, keep doing sth, etc..

2) To understand the gist of the reading, work out the writer’s opinions after reading, and complete relevant tasks.

3) To retell the reading and try to talk with partners about differences in table manners with the purpose of using the language fluently.

2. Ability aims

1) To better reading strategies to promote reading ability with the help of skimming, scanning and other reading techniques.

2) To improve ability of using English fluently as well as logical thinking after dealing with tasks.

3) To foster the ability of cooperation in group activities.

3. Emotion aims

1) To have a general knowledge of differences in table manners, esp. between Chinese and American cultures, and foster the sense of cross-cultural communication.

No.2 key & difficult points

1. Key Points

1) To get the information from the reading;

2) To communicate with partners fluently.

2. Difficult Points

1) How to improve the reading abilities because my students are weak in English, esp. in reading strategies.

2) How to help ss put their learning into practice with references.

Part IV Teaching &Learning methods

A good method requires that the teacher act as a guide while ss as the real masters in class. In my class, ss are mainly guided by tasks progressively.

1. So according to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’ learning background, I will use the following teaching methods.

1) Task-based language teaching

2) Activity teaching

3) Delamination teaching

4) Question-and-Answer activity teaching

2. The learning methods are the followings:

1) Cooperative learning

2) Autonomous Learning

Part V Teaching aids

No.1 Multi-media

No.2 Non-testing evaluation

1). A piece of paper to evaluate themselves.

Part VI Teaching procedures.

No.1 As for the concrete procedures, it includes 5 parts.

Task II:checking words & answering questions. Ss will have a matching for words and meanings to check words and then they may pose any questions they met in preview. Ss finish it before class and present keys on the blackboard. Some music will be played to calm ss down and create a situation to learn English.

Purposes: The easy item may help them build confidence.

Task II: Lead-in. Ss may watch a video about cultural differences, and then finish the sentence with brainstorming. This item is open to answers. As far as students get to the point, their group may get marks.

Purposes: Brainstorming may activate ss and catch their attention quickly. At the same time, it may act as a foreshadowing for the reading.

Task III: Presentation with tasks. It includes two items.

Item I: (skimming) Ss look through the reading in 2 minutes, and then finish the multiple choices on their own.

Purposes: This task will train ss to get quick information and foster a good reading habit.

Item II: (careful reading) In order to cope with the reading clearly, there are three portions. Portion A is for Para1. It is about the writer’s experience in China, and then there are some questions. Portion B is for Para2. It is about a Chinese staying in America, and then there are some multiple choices. Portion C is for Para3. It is about solutions, and then ss rectify the table. Similarly, they read individually, and then discuss in groups to get an agreed answer. Representatives will be sent to the bb to present keys.

Purposes: The three portions will help ss work out the writer’s opinions clearly. Cooperative learning will help them overcome difficult words or sentences and find the feeling of success when they can get keys without too much guide from the teacher. And praise goes first no matter how they do. Till now, ss may realize cultural differences further.

Task IV: Consolidation in time. It includes 3 items: Five statements for ss to check their understanding about the reading, a dialogue to check how they can transfer input to output and a short passage to tell them whether they have made progress in reading. Similarly, ss do them on their own, and then discuss problems in groups.

Purposes: The three items will give a clear reflection to ss.

Last task, I will make a conclusion of this period, encourage ss to build the sense of cross-cultural communication, and then do some extension: Watch another video about differences between China and the West, and discuss whether the points from the video are reasonable or not. The item is also open to keys. Ss are encouraged to write down notes.

Purposes: This task will help ss dare to speak because of the good input about cultural differences from the reading. Each one may have a chance to express them, and experience the feeling of success. In the process of communicating, they help and encourage each other, and use the language gradually. It will help ss transfer passive learning into active acquisition and see the meaning of learning.

No.2 Design of writing on the blackboard

When in Rome, do as the Romans do A foreigner stays in China awkward.

Do as the Romans do.

A Chinese in America indirect.

No.3 After class, to ss, they have two assignments:

1、Ss finish the table to evaluate themselves.

2、 Ss surf the Internet for more information about cultural differences, such as sending and accepting gifts, introducing people, etc., and then write down answers.

Purposes: The first one may help ss to reflect themselves, and the latter one may help ss extend their learning of cross cultures. Writing actually is necessary for all steps. After class, they may do it more relaxed. When finishing it, they may pay more attention to the written language and then improve their English.

No.4 Reflection after teaching.

On the one hand, ss can be guided by tasks progressively, and act well. They also have foster cooperation in group activities. On the other hand, the teacher needs to pay more attention to individual differences and ensure overall participation. The teacher also needs to improve the ability of monitoring the class efficiently.




Good afternoon, teachers. It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is the second reading of Unit 10, Book I. I’ll be ready to begin with this lesson from six parts: Analysis of the students, analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the teaching & learning methods, the teaching aids and the teaching procedures. First, let me talk about my students.

Part I Analysis of ss

My students are from Grade One in vocational schools.

No.1 They have a poor vocabulary, little motivation to learn initially and no confidence in expressing themselves.

No.2 There are distinct individual among them.

No.3 They are quick in thinking and long for victory. They may raise interest in the topic because of its familiarity, and are eager to know these differences.

No.4 In my class, ss will be given a preview plan to understand the reading, progressive tasks in competition to ensure overall participation.

Part II Analysis of the teaching material

Our textbook is taken from English Book I for vocational schools. It emphasizes on interest and utility.

Since some information about cultural differences has been mentioned in previous units, this unit will focus on introducing individual differences and building the sense of cross-cultural communication.

Reading II will demonstrate cultural differences further and occupies an important position. It will take up two periods, and I’ll deal with the second period for reading comprehension, and concentrate on ss’ abilities of reading and using English fluently.

Part III Teaching aims

No.1 Teaching aims

After studying the teaching material and analyzing ss’ present situations, I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1. Knowledge aims

(1) To master some key words and expressions: awkward, courtesy, direct, misunderstand, as soon as, keep doing sth, etc..

(2) To understand the gist of the reading, work out the writer’s opinions after reading, and complete relevant tasks.

(3) To retell the reading and try to talk with partners about differences in table manners with the purpose of using the language fluently.

2. Ability aims

(1) To better reading strategies to promote reading ability with the help of skimming, scanning and other reading techniques.

(2) To improve ability of using English fluently as well as logical thinking after dealing with tasks.

(3) To foster the ability of cooperation in group activities.

3. Emotion aims

(1) To have a general knowledge of differences in table manners, esp. between Chinese and American cultures, and foster the sense of cross-cultural communication.

No.2 key & difficult points

1. Key Points

(1) To get the information from the reading;

(2) To communicate with partners fluently.

2. Difficult Points

(1) How to improve the reading abilities because my students are weak in English, esp. in reading strategies.

(2) How to help ss put their learning into practice with references.

Part IV Teaching &Learning methods

A good method requires that the teacher act as a guide while ss as the real masters in class. In my class, ss are mainly guided by tasks progressively.

1. So according to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’ learning background, I will use the following teaching methods.

(1) Task-based language teaching

(2) Activity teaching

(3) Delamination teaching

(4) Question-and-Answer activity teaching

2. The learning methods are the followings:

(1) Cooperative learning

(2) Autonomous Learning

Part V Teaching aids

No.1 Multi-media

No.2 Non-testing evaluation

(1). A piece of paper to evaluate themselves.

Part VI Teaching procedures.

No.1 As for the concrete procedures, it includes 5 parts.

Task II:checking words & answering questions. Ss will have a matching for words and meanings to check words and then they may pose any questions they met in preview. Ss finish it before class and present keys on the blackboard. Some music will be played to calm ss down and create a situation to learn English.

Purposes: The easy item may help them build confidence.

Task II: Lead-in. Ss may watch a video about cultural differences, and then finish the sentence with brainstorming. This item is open to answers. As far as students get to the point, their group may get marks.

Purposes: Brainstorming may activate ss and catch their attention quickly. At the same time, it may act as a foreshadowing for the reading.

Task III: Presentation with tasks. It includes two items.

Item I: (skimming) Ss look through the reading in 2 minutes, and then finish the multiple choices on their own.

Purposes: This task will train ss to get quick information and foster a good reading habit.

Item II: (careful reading) In order to cope with the reading clearly, there are three portions. Portion A is for Para1. It is about the writer’s experience in China, and then there are some questions. Portion B is for Para2. It is about a Chinese staying in America, and then there are some multiple choices. Portion C is for Para3. It is about solutions, and then ss rectify the table. Similarly, they read individually, and then discuss in groups to get an agreed answer. Representatives will be sent to the bb to present keys.

Purposes: The three portions will help ss work out the writer’s opinions clearly. Cooperative learning will help them overcome difficult words or sentences and find the feeling of success when they can get keys without too much guide from the teacher. And praise goes first no matter how they do. Till now, ss may realize cultural differences further.

Task IV: Consolidation in time. It includes 3 items: Five statements for ss to check their understanding about the reading, a dialogue to check how they can transfer input to output and a short passage to tell them whether they have made progress in reading. Similarly, ss do them on their own, and then discuss problems in groups.

Purposes: The three items will give a clear reflection to ss.

Last task, I will make a conclusion of this period, encourage ss to build the sense of cross-cultural communication, and then do some extension: Watch another video about differences between China and the West, and discuss whether the points from the video are reasonable or not. The item is also open to keys. Ss are encouraged to write down notes.

Purposes: This task will help ss dare to speak because of the good input about cultural differences from the reading. Each one may have a chance to express them, and experience the feeling of success. In the process of communicating, they help and encourage each other, and use the language gradually. It will help ss transfer passive learning into active acquisition and see the meaning of learning.

No.2 Design of writing on the blackboard

When in Rome, do as the Romans do A foreigner stays in China awkward.

Do as the Romans do.

A Chinese in America indirect.

No.3 After class, to ss, they have two assignments:

1、Ss finish the table to evaluate themselves.

2、 Ss surf the Internet for more information about cultural differences, such as sending and accepting gifts, introducing people, etc., and then write down answers.

Purposes: The first one may help ss to reflect themselves, and the latter one may help ss extend their learning of cross cultures. Writing actually is necessary for all steps. After class, they may do it more relaxed. When finishing it, they may pay more attention to the written language and then improve their English.

No.4 Reflection after teaching.

On the one hand, ss can be guided by tasks progressively, and act well. They also have foster cooperation in group activities. On the other hand, the teacher needs to pay more attention to individual differences and ensure overall participation. The teacher also needs to improve the ability of monitoring the class efficiently.


Unit7 Will people have robots全英文说课稿

作为一名专为他人授业解惑的.人民教师,就不得不需要编写说课稿,认真拟定说课稿,说课稿要怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的Unit7 Will people have robots全英文说课稿,希望能够帮助到大家。

The draft of talking about the lesson

《Unit7 Will people have robots?》Section B

Today’s topic is the first period of 《Unit7 Will people have robots?》Section B .Now I’ll talk about the main contents of this period from the following procedures, including the analyses of the teaching materials and the learning situations, teaching objectives, teaching important and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procedures, homework, blackboard design and teaching reflection.

I. The analyses of the teaching materials and learning situations:

《Unit7 Will people have robots?》comes from People’s Publishing House Of the New Curriculum Standard. The students, whose abilities of the logical and abstract thoughts and the levels of recognition have greatly risen, are from Junior Grade 8.The use of the sentence pattern ”be going to” from unit 6 laid a solid foundation for students’ studying this period. They will have a better understanding of the Present Indefinite Tense, the Past Indefinite Tense, the Future Indefinite Tense by the co-operation in groups and the efficient exploration of this period.

II. Teaching objectives:

According to the New Curriculum Standard and students’ levels of recognition and development, The Three-dimensional teaching targets are set so that the function of English to the development of the society and learners can be realized more efficiently.

1. Knowledge objectives: To master the key words and useful sentence patterns in this period;

2.Ability objectives: To master some listening, speaking, reading skills; To train students’ abilities to cooperate and explore.

3.Emotional objectives: Learn to share and cooperate with others; To achieve the purpose of future education by guiding students to look to the future.

III. Teaching important and difficult points:

According to the students’ levels of recognition, The following teaching important and difficult points are set so that the teaching objectives can be realized more efficiently.

1. Teaching important points: To master the key words and useful sentence patterns in this period; To master some listening, speaking, reading skills;

2.Teaching difficult points: To guide the students to use the Future Indefinite Tense talk about and predict their life; To know about some knowledge on robots.

IV. Teaching methods:

According to the New Curriculum Standard and students’ levels of recognition and development, In order to stand out the important points and break through the difficult points and achieve the consolidation and transformation of knowledge, I will adopt enough teaching methods which include cooperation in groups, multimedia-course-ware teaching method, explaining method, asking-answering method and so on Meanwhile, in the course of the teaching I will train students’ abilities to cooperate and explore and learn by themselves so that they really become the hosts of learning.

V. Teaching procedures:

Task1: To be familiar with students, to eliminate the tension between teachers and students because of being unfamiliar and create a kind of relaxing and harmonious class atmosphere by greeting.

Task2: Brainstorm:To use a word-game to study new words and expressions so as to arouse the enthusiasm of students and make the class atmosphere active.

Task3:Through a discussed topic, to let students talk about their past, present and future life combining with some pictures on the screen so as to train the students’ abilities to explore and cooperate and use English to express.

Task4:Listening practice. This step Includes two listening tasks. The difficulty of each task is not large. As long as the students listen carefully, they can complete the task well.

Task5:Pre-reading Watch a short video about robots,then talk about the robots to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Task6: While reading

1. Fast reading for the main idea of each paragraph is used to improve the students’ ability to read quickly.

2. Intensive reading for detailed information is used to train students’ ability to read carefully.

Task 7: Post reading

Consolidation exercises are designed to make students deepen the understanding of the text.

Task 8: Summary is designed to let students recall the main contents of this period and make them acquire the education about their emotion, attitudes and values.

Task 9 :Self-evaluation is designed to encourage the students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning.

VI. Homework.

It is designed to train students’ writing ability with the learned knowledge and improve their ability to study individually. VII. The Design of Blackboard.

It is the eye of the blackboard. It will present the important points of this period.

VIII. Reflection

In this period the students’ learning interests may be improved by the “word game” and through the team cooperation they may master three tenses: the present tense, the past tense and the future tense and the comparison between them. At last they will deepen the consolidation. I think the effect of the students’ consolidation will be very good.


牛津8B全英文说课稿 Around the world in eight hours说课稿

作为一名优秀的教育工作者,通常需要用到说课稿来辅助教学,通过说课稿可以很好地改正讲课缺点。优秀的说课稿都具备一些什么特点呢?下面是小编为大家整理的牛津8B全英文说课稿 Around the world in eight hours说课稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

Good afternoon, everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A. Around the World in Eight Hours. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from three parts.

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

(一) Status and Function

This is an important lesson in this book . Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense.

It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

(二) Analysis of the students

Most students are interested in computer games.So this topic can greatly attract their interests.It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well. After learning this lesson,theywill know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you won’t be able to learn computer well.

(三)Teaching aims and Demands

1.Knowledge objects

To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do

To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

To master the Passive voice.

2.Ability objects

To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

To train the students how to use their own words to express their ideas.

(四)Teaching key and Difficult point

1. Key points

To review the Present perfect tense.

To learn the Passive voice.

To tell more about the CD-ROM.

To retell how the game is played

To understand the whole passage and answer teacher’s questions

2. Difficult points:

The Passive voice.

To retell how the game is played

(五) Teaching Equipment

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: Powerpoint and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

Part Two The Teaching Methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. Audio-visual teaching method

3. Task-based” teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.

To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’abilities.

Part Three Studying Procedures

Step 1

Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM. Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world

Step 2

Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading passage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape.Ask some questions to check understanding,eg.

What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM?

What can it help you to do?

Who is the designer?

Step 3

Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading passage introduces the main character of the game . Ask some questions to check understanding,eg.

Who is the main character of the game ?

How old is he?

What does he like doing?

What was he doing when he fell asleep?

Step 4

Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading passage,on page41,explain how the game is played.Ask them to read the rest of the reading passage on page 41

Step 5

Ask some questions to check understanding,eg.

How can you earn a point?

What will happen if you have earned a point?

What will happen if you have earned enough points?

How many levels does the game have?

How long does it take you to finish the game?

What do the questions test?

What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?

What can you learn about when you reach London?

What will you see when you pass a level?

What happened to the places you have visited?

Step 6

Read the whole passage and then ask some students to retell how the game is played(in 5steps)

1See a golden cloud with instructions on it

2See clouds with information about different places

See clouds with questions on them

3Get a point every time you answer a question correctly

4A cloud will come down and carry you off to a new place

5See a world map. The old place is marked in bright purple

If possible ,ask students to discuss what they have learned from the passage.(with their own words)

Step7 Use the following keywords to try to rell the passage.


a new educational CD-ROM,

Around the world in Eight Hours.

Come out, interesting, at the same time,

be designed by, the all-time

favorite CD-ROM online Traveller


Main character , love traveling ,

lie on the grass, fall asleep


.be written on, different colors with questions on them

Every time you answer a question,

earn enough points, come down ,Carry off


Play the role of , take …an hour to finish ,

travel around, Test your knowledge of ,

a lot of useful information , for example

Paragraph 5

Be the best , get it in sold out

Step 8 Homework

1 Translating the following phrases:








2 Try to recite the text.

Design of the blackboard

1)The Present perfect tense.

A new educational CD-ROM has just come out.

When you have earned enough points,….

……..carry you off to a place you have never visited before.

The place you have visited are marked………

2) The Passive voice.

It is designed by Nancy Jackson. These words were written on it.

The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.

Get it now before it is sold out


上一篇 校园故事征文(合集18
上一篇 茉莉花说课稿(精选8篇
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