
711 篇文章


Unit2 I’m Liu Tao


are是 am是 you 你 yes是

no 不 not不 goodbye再见


Are you Su Hai? Yes, I No, I’m


You’re 你答对了。


be动词:am, is, are


I’m= I am(我是) you’re = you are(你是) he’s= he is(他是) she’s= she is(她是) it’s = it is(它是) they are= they’re(他们是)

what’s =what is(是什么) that’s= that is(那是)

当询问你是不是某人时可以问:Are you…?

回答用:Yes, I , I’m



( )-Hello, are you Liu Tao? –No,

I am I’m not I’m Liu Tao

( )____________ Su Hai?

are you Are you I’m

( )____________ your name?

what’s What’s what

( )初次见面,可以说:

Nice to meet Hello!










find the/your/my way (to ) 找到去某地的路

follow go after to 跟某人去某地

to do 不得不做某事

to eat bamboo 喜欢吃竹子

for a class trip/go on a class trip 进行一次班级旅行

trip to the zoo 去动物园的一次旅行

far (away) from 离远

three kilometers away 离三公里的距离

here/there/home (arrive here/there/home) 到达这儿/那儿/家

down all day long 整天躺着

quite tall=be very tall 相当高

around 四处跳跃

the bridge=go across the bridge 过桥

like open fans 像打开的扇子

on the grass 躺在草地上

like its mother 看起来像它的妈妈

in an open area 在一开阔地

the left/on the right 在左边/右边

treasure 找到财宝

the traffic lights 在红绿灯处

the corner of the street=at the street corner 在街道拐角处

the corner of the room 在房间角落里

for 为某人准备…

of /lots of food and drinks 大量的食物和饮料

out at Exit A 在A出口处出来

start at 2 on Sunday ,21 April



Unit 5 Our new home


my bag 我的包

in your bedroom在你的卧室里

my skirts我的裙子

in the living room在客厅里

my white cap我的白帽子

we have 我们有

a blue clock 一个蓝色的钟

two tables两张桌子

four bathrooms四个卫生间


our new home 我们的新家

on the sofa 在沙发上

come and look 过来看看

in the kitchen 在厨房里

what about 怎么样

fly my kite 放风筝

ride my bike 骑自行车

in our home 在我们的家里

nice and clean 又好看又干净

my little bedroom 我的小卧室

six kitchens 六间厨房

behind the fridge 在冰箱后面


How are you?


Where’s my bag? 我的包在哪里?

It’s in your


Where are my skirts? 我的裙子在哪里?

They’re in the living 它们在客厅里。

Where is the football?


It is under the


Where are the books?


They are on the



Is it in your bedroom?


No, it isn’


Come and look, Su


Your cap is in the kitchen!


I’m 我饿了。

What would you like?你想要什么?

I’d like 我想要那个。

I like to fly my kite and I like to ride my


I love my It’s nice and

我爱我的卧室。 它又好看又干净。

This is my 这是我的家。

We have a fridge and a clock in the



1、人称代词主格和宾格的区别:主格通常位于句中第一个动词之前(有时候位于than 之后),宾格一般位于动词或介词之后。



Unit 5 Look at me!


T-shirt T恤衫 skirt 裙子 cap帽子 jacket夹克衫

nice好看的 great 好极了 new新的 red 红色的

it它 it’s=it is


look at 看 my new skirt我的新裙子

a nice jacket一件漂亮的夹克衫 nice clothes漂亮的衣服

What colour? 什么颜色?


at my 看我的T恤衫。

’s 它很漂亮。

How nice! 真好看!

’s 它好看极了。

colour is my T-shirt? 我的T恤衫是什么颜色的?

all look great! 他们都看上去很棒!


用It’s ….How …! 对所看到的物品进行赞美。



!和Look at ….的区别。

look 是一个动词,意思是看啊!如:Look, this is a lovely

look at 是一个词组,表示看什么东西,后面一定要加看的具体事物,

如:Look at my



( ) cap morning sweater

( ) am are an

( ) shirt red skirt

( ) my he you

( ) nice great look


at nice cap

great new skirt

colour nice!


Unit 3 Asking the way


















get on上车

get off下车

ask the way问路

get to到达

walk to步行到

next to在…旁边

ask…for help向……求助

get along沿着……走

take the metro乘地铁

on the street在街道上

come out of从……出来

excuse me劳驾,对不起

turn right向右转

at the traffic lights在交通灯处

see a new film看一部新电影

wait for等候

go to the cinema去电影院

too many cars太多的汽车

be over结束

on your right在你的右侧

go to City Cinema去市电影院

at the bus stop在公共汽车站台

get in a taxi在出租车上

in the street在街道上

too late太迟了


Excuse,how do I get to…?


You can get on the metro at …


You can get on the bus at…


Then,walk to…


Then,go along…


Get off at City Library


She asks a policeman for


Turn right at the traffic


You can see the bookshop on your


Let’s go to the cinema by


We’re too late,Bobby!



Unit 8 Fashion

spend +时间/钱 + on 花时间/钱在.上spend +时间/钱 + (in) doing 花时间、钱做某事

so lazy 如此懒惰 sports clothes 运动服

lend to = lend 把某物借给某人 borrow from 跟某人借某物

between …and …在.与…之间(用于两者之间)

be made of… 由…制成(能看出原材料) be made from…由…制成(不能看出原材料)

be made in + 地点 产于某地 be made by + 人 被…制造

下列的fit 为 be fit for … 适合于…

They are fit for a long 他们适合长时间步行

下列fit为 They fit (me) very 他们很适合(我)。

The coat doesn’t fit (me).那件外套不适(我)。

ten more minutes = another ten minutes 再多10分钟

hold / have/ give a fashion show 举办一个时装展

design a poster for the “Fashion Wall”给Fashion Wall设计一张海报

show you different styles of clothes给你看不同式样的衣服

look smart / modern and beautiful 看起来时尚和漂亮

look great in white穿白色很棒 both of them 他俩都

a black wool skirt 一件黑色羊毛短裙

a pair of long red leather boots 一双红色长筒皮靴


1、What + 短语 + 主语 + 谓语What a great show it is! 这是多棒的表演啊!

What tall buildings they are! 他们是多高的楼啊!What fine weather it is! 这是多好的天气啊!

2、How + + 主语 + 谓语 How great the show is! 表演多棒啊!

How tall the buildings are! 这些楼多高啊! How fine the weather is! 天气多好啊!

most young people 大多数年轻人 wait for the school bus 等校车

lie on the bed 躺在床上 go for a dinner 去赴宴

have to do 必须/不得不做某事 feel soft and smooth 摸上去柔软光滑


What do you think of …? = How do you like …? 你认为…怎么样?

I’m thinking about what to = I’m thinking about what I should 我正考虑穿什么?

I can spend ten more minutes in bed 那么我可以在床上多待10分钟了。

Would you like one more apple? = Would you like another apple? 你想再要一个苹果吗?

Can you lend us your red blouse for our fashion show, Mum?


What size is your blouse? Size 你的衬衫是什么尺寸?大小4。

Trainers are light and comfortable and are popular among young


Here comes 西蒙走来了。

That’s all for today’s So much for today’s 今天的表演到此结束。

for 感谢光临。

You look great in your purple 你穿紫色衬衫看起来棒。

The purple shirt looks great on 紫色衬衫穿在你身上看起来棒。

That pair of long boots is made of 那双长靴是皮革制成的。

The jacket is not too long or too 这夹克不太长也不太大。

My design includes a pair of blue 我的设计包括一条蓝色牛仔裤。


定冠词the与指示代词this,that,these,those同源,有“那(这)个” “这(那)些”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。以下为必须加定冠词的情形:


take the 把药吃了。


he bought a i‘ve been to the



the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth


the fox is cunning .狐狸是狡猾的。

(5)与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。

(6)用在序数词和形容词级,及形容词only, very, same等前面:

where do you live? i live on the second 你住在哪?我住在二层。

that‘s the very thing that ineed那正是我需要的东西。


he began to learn russian in the 他在20实际50年代开始学俄语 .

但注意:in one‘s 50s意为“在某人五十多岁时”.如:

he looked quite healthy though he was in his

(8)在比较级的两种句型中: ①表示“越 ……,就越……”时。如:

the lighter, the 越轻越好 .

② 表示“两者中比较……”时,用定冠词。如:

there are two books on the i like the thicker


the ball hit me on the 球打中了他的头 .

(10) 在表示“计量单位”的可数名词前(注意:介词用by)。如:

the workers are paid by the 按月付给工人工资 .

(11)用在某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前:the great wall(长城),the people‘s park(人民公园)等。

the people‘s republic of china中华人民共和国

the united states美国




kitchen厨房;living room客厅;home家;come来;hungry饥饿的


1、in your bedroom在你的卧室里 2、my skirts我的短裙 3、on the sofa在沙发上

4、his white cap他的白色帽子 5、come and look过来看看 6、I’d like我想要

7、in the kitchen在厨房 8、nice and clean漂亮又干净 9、fly my kite放风筝

10、Here you are给你 11、our new home我们的新家


1、Where’s …? 回答:It’s in/on/near/…

2、Where are …? 回答:They’re in/on/near/…

3、What would you like?你想要什么? I’d like…我想要…

4、We have…in the living room 在客厅里我们有…

5、How are you?你好吗? 回答:Fine,thank you。



find the/your/my way (to ) 找到去某地的路

follow go after to 跟某人去某地

to do 不得不做某事

to eat bamboo 喜欢吃竹子

for a class trip/go on a class trip 进行一次班级旅行

trip to the zoo 去动物园的一次旅行

far (away) from 离远

three kilometers away 离三公里的距离

here/there/home (arrive here/there/home) 到达这儿/那儿/家

down all day long 整天躺着

quite tall=be very tall 相当高

around 四处跳跃

the bridge=go across the bridge 过桥

like open fans 像打开的扇子

on the grass 躺在草地上

like its mother 看起来像它的妈妈

in an open area 在一开阔地

the left/on the right 在左边/右边

treasure 找到财宝

the traffic lights 在红绿灯处

the corner of the street=at the street corner 在街道拐角处

the corner of the room 在房间角落里

for 为某人准备…

of /lots of food and drinks 大量的食物和饮料

out at Exit A 在A出口处出来

start at 2 on Sunday ,21 April



inventor [?n'vent?] 发明者

invent [?n'vent] 发明

explorer [?ks'pl??r?] 探险者;考察者

South African 南非人

fighter [?fa?t?] 斗士,战斗者

invention [?n'ven??n] 发明物,创意

Italian [?'t?lj?n] 意大利人

European [j??r??pi??n] 欧洲人

Russian ['r???n] 俄罗斯人

pilot [?pa?l?t] 飞行员

licence ['la?s?ns] 执照,许可证

navy [?ne?vi] 海军

serve [s??v] 服役;服务

test [test] 测试;检验

aircraft [?e?krɑ?ft] 飞机,航空器

astronaut [??str?n??t] 宇航员

spacecraft [?spe?skrɑ?ft] (单复同)宇宙飞船,航天器

spin [sp?n] 快速旋转

control [k?n?trol] 控制,支配

out of control 脱离控制

order ['??d?] 命令,指挥,要求

cut short 缩短

Pacific [p??s?f?k] 太平洋的

ocean ['????n] 海洋

land [l?nd] 使着陆,降落

step [step] 一步,步,跨步

giant 巨大的;伟大的

leap [li?p] 跳跃;跃升

mankind [m?n?ka?nd] 人类

step [step] 一步,步,跨步

surface [?s??f?s] 表面,表层

further [?f????] 更多的,更进一步的

citizen [?s?t?z(?)n] 公民;市民

pride [pra?d] 骄傲,引以为豪的人(或事)

passage [?p?s?d?] 章节,乐段

by hand 手工

mathematics [m?θ??m?t?ks] 数学

scientist ['sa??nt?st] 科学家

radium [?re?d??m] 镭

laboratory [l??b?r?t?ri] 实验室

professor [pr??fes?] 教授

discovery [d??sk?v?ri] 发现,发现物

unknown [ju?n??v??s?ti] 未知的;不出名的

widely ['wa?dli] 广泛地,普遍地

hybrid 杂交的

title [?t??u???t?sju?] 标题;职位名称

agriculture [??ɡr?k?lt??] 农业

hunger [?h??ɡ?] 饥饿

happen to 碰巧

advantage [?d?vɑ?nt?d?] 优势,有利条件

at present 现在,目前

contribution [?k?ntr??bju???n] 贡献

increase [?n'kri?s] 增加

production [pr??d?k?(?)n] 生产;产量

development [d??vel?pm?nt] 发展


Unit 5 Look at me!


T-shirt T恤衫 skirt 裙子 cap帽子 jacket夹克衫

nice好看的 great 好极了 new新的 red 红色的

it它 it’s=it is


look at 看 my new skirt我的新裙子

a nice jacket一件漂亮的夹克衫 nice clothes漂亮的衣服

What colour? 什么颜色?


at my 看我的T恤衫。

’s 它很漂亮。

How nice! 真好看!

’s 它好看极了。

colour is my T-shirt? 我的T恤衫是什么颜色的?

all look great! 他们都看上去很棒!


用It’s ….How …! 对所看到的物品进行赞美。



!和Look at ….的区别。

look 是一个动词,意思是看啊!如:Look, this is a lovely

look at 是一个词组,表示看什么东西,后面一定要加看的具体事物,

如:Look at my



( ) cap morning sweater

( ) am are an

( ) shirt red skirt

( ) my he you

( ) nice great look


at nice cap

great new skirt

colour nice!



long ago 很久以前

new clothes 新衣服

new clothes for you 为你制作新衣服 make sth for sb

the king his new clothes给皇帝展示新衣服

show show to

tryon 试穿 try onthe coat=try the coat on

try it/them on

clothes 有魔力的衣服


in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服

at 对某人大叫

laugh at 对某人大笑

at 看….

at 指向…

well 非常适合

an American cowboy 一个美国牛仔

aScottish man 一位苏格兰人

tell a story 讲一个故事

a/one sentence 说一句话

on the mountain 在山上

next sentence 下一句话

live in the house 住在房子里

the boy a story 给这个男孩讲一个故事 tell

itis one’s turn 某人的机会

think hard 努力思考

to 不得不 have to do

infront of 在….前面(外部) in the front of 在… 前面(内部)

by 路过

be nice to 对某人好

after 照顾

turn into 变成


Longlong ago, there was a 很久很久以前,有一位国王。

Theking was 国王很开心。

He liked new 他喜欢新衣服。

Twomen visited the 两个男人拜访了这位国王。


Let’s talk teens


battle against/with与……作斗争

half the battle成功了一半;胜利大有希望


unemployment rate 失业率

heart rate心率

the success/failure rate成功率/失败率

at a rate of以……的速度

the spot马上,当场;在现场

a white cat with brown spots带褐色斑点的白猫

a few spots of blood一些血渍

a quiet spot on the beach海滩上一个安静的地方

a target确定目标

meet/achieve/reach a target完成/达到目标

a target area/audience/group目标范围/观众/群体

hit/miss the target中/脱靶

target sth以……为目标

be targeted at 目的;旨在;针对

(1)have a desire to do sth=desire to do sth渴望做某事

have a desire for=desire for渴望

desire that sb(should) do sth渴望某人做某事

(2)desired 要求的;想要的

the desired effect预期的效果

for 为……而斗争

struggle with/against sb/sth与……作斗争

struggle to do sth努力做某事

struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来

oneself 使自己镇静

calm sb 使某人镇静下来

calm down安静下来

stay/keep/remain calm保持镇静


be viewed as被视为

in view of鉴于;由于

in one’s view在某人看来

get/have a good view 观看……视野很好

concern for对……关注

as far as sb/sth be concerned就……而言;在……看来

be concerned about/for担心;关心


arguable 可论证的;可疑的

argue with sb about/over sth与某人争论某事

argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事/接受某种意见

argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事/打消某种念头

argue against 反驳

argue for 赞同;主张

sth to do sth为了做……而设计……

be designed for为……而设计

likely to do sth有可能做某事

It is/was likely 很有可能……

not likely不可能

unlikely 不可能的


perform 表演;演出;表现;做;执行;履行

perform magic tricks表演魔术

perform well/badly表现好/差

perform an experiment/a ceremony做实验/举行仪式

perform an operation做手术

perform a task执行任务

perform an important role in在……发挥重要作用

eager for sth渴望某物

be eager to do sth渴望做某事

an account开立/结清账户

give an account of描述

account for是……的原因;解释;(数量上、比例上)占


a sense of security安全感

for security reasons 出于安全考虑

job/financial security工作/经济保障


gather round/around聚集,集合

gather in收割,收获

gather speed/force加快速度/加大力量

(1)volunteer to do sth自愿做某事

volunteer for sth自愿做某事

(2)voluntary 自愿的;志愿的

scene of the accident/attack/crime 事故/袭击/犯罪现场

at/on the scene在现场;到现场

(1)make a/no response to对……做出/未做回应

in response to 对……做出回应

(2)respond 回答;作出反应

respond to对……做出回应



名词 动词 及物动词 不及物动词 形容词

副词 介词 代词 连词

1、 喜欢

like / love / enjoy / be interested in / be crazy about (痴迷于)/ have fun / have a good time +doing

动词+doing 的还有

Go doing / finish doing good at doing do well in doing

How/what about doing doing


read 看读物(read books/newspaper/magazines/a map等)

look 瞧常用短语look at/ for/around/after/out/over/up

see 看见,强调结果 I can see

watch 带有欣赏性的观看watch TV/ a film / a football game


Put on 强调“穿上”的动作 He ____a coat and goes for a

Wear 强调“穿着”的状态;进行时态表示暂时的情况 She is wearing a new skirt / wear glasses

Dress (1) dress (2) dress oneself (3) dress up as (4) get dressed

In (穿戴)后接颜色(或衣服),表示状态 look!Lucy is_____a red skirt and a pair of pink

On 后接人指衣服穿在某人身上看出区别来。The red coat looks nice on


Spend:(人) + spend + 时间/金钱 + on

(人) + spend + 时间/金钱+(in) doing

pay:(人) +pay + 金钱+for

cost:(物) + cost + +金钱

Doing + +时间

take:it takes +时间+ to do


Home / there /here 前不加任何的介词 welcome home / come here / go there


Make do have do / let


(1)Nice to meet you . (2) Glad to meet you . (3) How are you ? (4) How are you doing ?

(5)How is it going ? (6)How is everything going? (7) What’s up?

8、基数词+year(s)+old 表示“…岁”提问用“how old”名词性短语

数词-year-old 也表示年龄,但其为形容词性短语“前有冠词后有名(词)”

Helen is 11 years old = Helen is an 11-year-old

9、Let’s 与let us 的区别

Let’s do 指包括听者(对方)和说者(我们)都在内,表示建议

Let us do 指“让(允许)我们做某事”而听者(对方)不做,只有“我们”做

10、play+the+乐器类名词 Play the piano

Play + 球类运动 play+ football / play cards / play chess

11、She comes from Shanghai= She is from Shanghai . 注:如何提问Shanghai 及如何改一般疑问句

12、be good at =do well in = be clever at = study well

Be good at (反) be bad at do well in (反) be poor in


(1)”在…正上方” There is a bridge over the

(2)”越过” A plane flies over the house

(3)”超过” There are over 20 boys in this

(4)”结束” Class is over! / Game is

14、every one 与everyone 辨析

区别(1)Every one 可以与of 连用,而everyone 却不能与of连用

one of the children likes playing the computer

(2) everyone 只指人=everybody而every one 既指人又可指物


15、family 的用法:“家庭”作为整体谓语动词用“单数”He has a big

“家人”强调成员,是复数含义,谓语动词用“原形” My family are at


16、all/ both/ each/every/neither/ either 的用法

all (1)三者或三者以上“全部、都”(2)all + the + 名词(all the afternoon = the whole afternoon)

(3)all 放在行为动词前,名词前;be 动词后 (4) all of +宾格/名词复数

Both(1)两者都(2)后可跟of +宾格/名词复数Both sides of the street are grown

Each 指两个或两个以上“每一个”个体Each side of the street is grown

Every 指许多人或事物的“全体”后接名词单数 Every student is here . 所有人都在。

Neither指两者都不 neither of you will go to the

Either 指两者中任意一人意为“要么.要么” Either you or your brother will go to the

17、Walk 的用法

(1)作为及物动词;意为“遛(动物);陪着某人走”walk the dog = take the dog for a walk

(2)作为不及物动词;意为“走、步行”walk to school =go to school on foot

(3)作为名词;意为“步行、走”take a walk after supper =go walking after supper

(4)walking作为动名词常做主语 Walking is good for

18、含有o 结尾的名词变成复数加es的有:



look(看起来) sound(听起来)smell(闻起来)taste(尝起来)feel(摸起来)后加形容词

20、make的两种用法:(1) make + + Make me happy (2) make +do

21、hope 的用法

(1)不及物动词 hope to do I hope to hear from you

(2) 后加that从句 I hope you can finish your work

注意:无hope do 用法;只有wish to do


Week 周;指from Monday to Sunday weekday 工作日;指from Monday to Friday

Weekend 周末;指 Saturday and Sunday (at /on weekends)

23、else 与 enough 的用法

else 放在不定代词、疑问代词后面如:what else / anyone else

enough形容词放在enough 前面;名词放在enough后面,简称“形前名后” lucky enough ;enough time


One“同类不同一”只可代指可数名词单数 I don’t like the yellow bike , show me a red

ones 是one 的复数;Would you like a toy? Yes, I’d like new ones = I’d like new

It 代指“同一物品”I have a It is

25、What’s the date today ? what day is it today? What’s the time ?=what time is it?

26、in front of 与in the front of 区别

In front of 在个体外部的前面(反)behind in the front of 在物体内部的前面(反) at the back of

27、help 的用法(1) help (to) do (2)help with

28、say hello to / say sorry to say goodbye to say thanks to

29、open 的用法

(1)及物动词,“打开” open the box (2) 形容词“开着的” The window is

Close 的用法

(1)及物动词,“关上”close the door 过去式、过去分词皆为closed

(2)形容词为closed The shop is closed all the

30、两“借”lend 与borrow的用法

A lend B = A lend to B (A 把东西借出去借给了B ) lend his bike to me

A borrow from B (A 向B 借了某物,A 为借入) borrowed a book from the

31、far away from=be far from但两者前皆不可跟具体距离 My home is far (away ) from my sister’s .

Away from 前可跟具体距离 My home is ten miles away from the

32、few / a few / little / a little 的区别

Little / a little + 不可数名词 few/ a few + 可数名词

A few / a little 表示肯定(一点/一些) few/little 表示否定(几乎没有)

33、Exercise 动词或名词“锻炼”不可数。Exercise 名词表示“练习、操”可数,复数形式

34、too much / too many / much too / very 的用法区别

too much +不可数名词或者做副词性短语放在动词后面 too many +可数名词

much too+ 形容词表示“太….”Very +副词/形容词


(1)行为动词,意为“需要”need Do you need a cup of coffee?

need to do She needs to find a good

(2)情态动词,意为“需要,必须”need do / needn’t do You needn’t do the housework every

(3)名词,意为“需要,需求” A friend in need is a friend 患难见真情。

The flowers are in need of 花儿需要水。




Unit 8 Fashion

spend +时间/钱 + on 花时间/钱在.上spend +时间/钱 + (in) doing 花时间、钱做某事

so lazy 如此懒惰 sports clothes 运动服

lend to = lend 把某物借给某人 borrow from 跟某人借某物

between …and …在.与…之间(用于两者之间)

be made of… 由…制成(能看出原材料) be made from…由…制成(不能看出原材料)

be made in + 地点 产于某地 be made by + 人 被…制造

下列的fit 为 be fit for … 适合于…

They are fit for a long 他们适合长时间步行

下列fit为 They fit (me) very 他们很适合(我)。

The coat doesn’t fit (me).那件外套不适(我)。

ten more minutes = another ten minutes 再多10分钟

hold / have/ give a fashion show 举办一个时装展

design a poster for the “Fashion Wall”给Fashion Wall设计一张海报

show you different styles of clothes给你看不同式样的衣服

look smart / modern and beautiful 看起来时尚和漂亮

look great in white穿白色很棒 both of them 他俩都

a black wool skirt 一件黑色羊毛短裙

a pair of long red leather boots 一双红色长筒皮靴


1、What + 短语 + 主语 + 谓语What a great show it is! 这是多棒的表演啊!

What tall buildings they are! 他们是多高的楼啊!What fine weather it is! 这是多好的天气啊!

2、How + + 主语 + 谓语 How great the show is! 表演多棒啊!

How tall the buildings are! 这些楼多高啊! How fine the weather is! 天气多好啊!

most young people 大多数年轻人 wait for the school bus 等校车

lie on the bed 躺在床上 go for a dinner 去赴宴

have to do 必须/不得不做某事 feel soft and smooth 摸上去柔软光滑


What do you think of …? = How do you like …? 你认为…怎么样?

I’m thinking about what to = I’m thinking about what I should 我正考虑穿什么?

I can spend ten more minutes in bed 那么我可以在床上多待10分钟了。

Would you like one more apple? = Would you like another apple? 你想再要一个苹果吗?

Can you lend us your red blouse for our fashion show, Mum?


What size is your blouse? Size 你的衬衫是什么尺寸?大小4。

Trainers are light and comfortable and are popular among young


Here comes 西蒙走来了。

That’s all for today’s So much for today’s 今天的表演到此结束。

for 感谢光临。

You look great in your purple 你穿紫色衬衫看起来棒。

The purple shirt looks great on 紫色衬衫穿在你身上看起来棒。

That pair of long boots is made of 那双长靴是皮革制成的。

The jacket is not too long or too 这夹克不太长也不太大。

My design includes a pair of blue 我的设计包括一条蓝色牛仔裤。



一般情况,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

以 ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives


man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice

child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese

不可数名词的复数就是原型: paper, juice, water, milk, rice, tea



a) 单数后加 ’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt

b) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ’如: his friends’ bags

c) 不以s 结尾的复数后加 ’s children’s shoes

并列名词中,如果把 ’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如:

Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车


Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车

表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如:

a picture of the classroom a map of China


表示地点介词(at、in、on 、under、over、above、below、near、by、between、among、around、around、in front of、behind、in 、into、out of、along、across、,through、


(1) at:在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所)

at school上学 at home在家 at 320 xinfu district 在新抚区320号

at the station 在火车站


she will arrive in shanghai at ten .10点她将到达上海。

(3)表示地点方向的on ,under ,over ,above ,below


on the table 在桌子上面


sometimes juliana could hear planes above the



over these tombs ,they built pyramids .在这些坟墓上,他们建起了金字塔。


the twin sisters put the basket under the tree .这姐俩把篮子放到了树下。


three thousand metres below her ,she could see nothing except the thick jungle .



Unit 2 After school

1、 单词

go 去  星期天  星期一  星期二

Wednesday 星期三  Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 

Saturday 星期六  when 什么时候 every 每个  day 天

match 比赛 今天

2、 词组

after school 放学后          and play table tennis 去打乒乓

come and play table tennis来打乒乓 a football match一场足球赛

a swimming lesson一节游泳课      day 星期几

on Tuesday  在星期二

on Thursday morning/afternoon 在星期四早上/下午

get up 起床                  every day每天 

at five 在五点                get up at six六点起床


Let’s go and play table 让我们去打乒乓吧。

What day is it today? It’s 今天星期几?星期三。

I have a football match 今天我有一场足球赛。

She has a swimming lesson 她也有一节游泳课。

What a pity! 真遗憾!

What about Saturday? 星期六怎么样?

We don’t have any lessons on 星期六我们没课。

All 好的。

When do you get up every day? 你每天什么时候起床?

I get up at 我五点起床。


Unit 3 My day

一 词组

1 in the morning 在早上           2 in the afternoon 在下午

3 in the evening 在晚上           4 at night 在夜里

5 get up  起床                    6 go to school  去上学

7 play football 踢足球            8 go home 回家  

9 have breakfast 吃早饭           10 have lunch 吃午饭               

11 have dinner 吃晚饭             12 watch TV 看电视

13 go to bed 去睡觉               14 my day   我的一天

15 do one’s homework 做(某人的)回家作业  

16 do my homework 做我的回家作业 

17 do my homework at five thirty  5点30分做我的回家作业

18 over there 在那边            19  a big cake  一个大蛋糕

20 have four Chinese lessons 有4节语文课 

21 meet Miss Li at eleven  11点遇见李老师    22 usually 通常

二 句子

1 When do you get up in the morning?  I get up at ( At )

你早上什么时候起床? 我7点起床。(7点。)

2 When do you have dinner every day? I have dinner at six

你每天什么时候吃晚饭? 我6点15分吃晚饭。

3 I play football at four and go home at four


4 I’m am


5 What time is it now?  It’s twelve o’

现在几点? 12点整。

6 I usually go to school at seven   I have three lessons in the

我通常7点40分去学校。 我早上有3节课。

7 What can you see over there? I can see a

在那儿你能看到什么? 我能看到一个蛋糕。

8 I like cakes!  This cake is nice!

我喜欢蛋糕! 这只蛋糕很漂亮!

9 What a big cake! 



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上一篇 物理光知识点(通用10
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