
711 篇文章



In the United States there are, strict speaking, no national __1__

holiday, for each state must, through legislative enactment or __2__

executive proclamation, appoint the day which each holiday is __3__

celebrated. Congress and the president may establish legal holidays

for the District of Columbia and for federal employees throughout

the states and territories; and by long custom, days that receive

nationwide observation, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Labor __4__

Day, Independent Day, and New Year’s Day, are uniformly set __5__

apart by all states as legal, or public holidays. In 1968, federal __6__

legislation established Columbia Day as a legal holiday for the

District of Columbia and for the federal government beginning at __7__

1971. The law also provided begun in 1971 federal employees __8__

would be granted three-days weekends by observing Washington’s __9__

Birthday on the third Monday in February, Memorial Day on the

last Monday in May, Columbus Day on the second Monday in

October, and Veteran Day on the forth Monday on October. By

1971, most of the states also adopted the new dates. __10__参考答案及解析:





因为先行词the day在关系从句钟做状语,还原回去应为:each holiday is celebrated on the day,所以必须加on。




独立日的说法是“Independence Day”。


set apart 指“使分离,使分开”,语义不同,set aside表示“留出,保留”的意思。



动词begin和分句的主语federal employees的'关系是主动的,应此要用beginning。

9.three-days 改为three-day


a million-pound banknote。





For the last fifteen or twenty years the fashion in criticism or appreciation of the arts have been to deny the existence of any valid criteria and to make the __1__

Words “good” or “bad” irrelevant, immaterial, and inapplicable. There is no such thing, we are told, like a set of standards first acquired through experience and __2__

Knowledge and late imposed on the subject under discussion. This has been a __3__

Popular approach, for it relieves the critic of the responsibility of judgment and the public by the necessity of knowledge. It pleases those resentful of disciplines, it __4__

Flatters the empty-minded by calling him open-minded, it comforts the __5__

Confused. Under the banner of democracy and the kind of quality which our forefathers did no mean, it says, in effect, “Who are you to tell us what is good or bad?” This is same cry used so long and so effectively by the producers of mass __6__

Media who insist that it is the public, not they, who decide what it wants to hear __7__

And to see, and that for a critic to say that this program is bad and that program is good is pure a reflection of personal taste. Nobody recently has expressed this __8__

Philosophy most succinctly than Dr. Frank Stanton, the highly intelligent __9__

President of CBS television. At a hearing before the Federal Communications Commission, this phrase escaped from him under questioning: “One man’s mediocrity __10__ is another man’s good program”.




Successful aging is a psychological feat. Fear for__1__

death, for example, may sometimes oppress you.

even when this is successfully overcome, there is still

something for you to deal with-loneliness. Lonelinesscan

speed your demise no matter conscientiously __2__

you care for your body. “We go through lifesurrounded

by protective convoys of others,” says Robert Kahn, a psychologist of the Universityof Michigan

who studied the health effects of companionship. “People __3__

who manage to maintain a network of social support do best.” One study of elderlyheart-attack patients

found that those with two or more close associations __4__

enjoyed twice the one-year survival rate of those who

were completely alone.

Companionship aside, healthy oldsters seem to

share a knack for managing stress, poison that contributes __5__

measurably to heart disease, cancer and accidents.

Researchers have also been kinked successful aging __6__

to mental stimulation. An idle brain will deteriorate

just as sure as an unused leg, notes Dr. Gene Cohen, __7__

Head of the gerontology center at George Washington

University. But just as exercise can prevent muscle __8__

atrophy, mental challenges seem to preserve both the mind and the immune system.But what most impresses researchers who study the oldest old is

his simple drive and resilience. “People who reach 100 __9__

are not quitters,” says Adler of the National Centenarian

Awareness Project. “They share a remarkable ability to

renegotiate life in every turn, to accept the inevitable losses __10__

And move on.”




2.在no matter后面加上how










本句与上一段最后一句在结构(just as)上相似,在意义上是递进关系,不应该用转折连词衔接,用and合适。


此处的代词应该代替the oldest old, the oldest old 表示一类人可以用单数也可以用复数,但是下文提到这些年事极高的老人都用了复数,所以此处也要改为复数,使上下文一致。


词组at every turn意思为“ 时时,经常”。



More people die of tuberculosis than of any other disease caused by a single agent. This has probably been the case in quite a while.

During the __1__ early stages of the industrial revolution, perhaps one in every seventh __2__ deaths in Europe’s crowded cities were caused by the disease.

From __3__ now on, though, western eyes, missing the global picture, saw the trouble __4__ going into decline. With occasional breaks for war, the rates of death and infection in the Europe and America dropped steadily through the 19th and __5__ 20th centuries.

In the 1950s, the introduction of antibiotics strengthened the trend in rich countries, and the antibiotics were allowed to be imported to __6__ poor countries. Medical researchers declared victory and withdrew.

They are wrong. In the mid1980s the frequency of infections and deaths __7__ started to pick up again around the world.

Where tuberculosis vanished, it came __8__ back; in many places where it had never been away, it grew better.

The World __9__ Health Organization estimates that 1.7 billion people (a third of the earth’s population)suffer from tuberculosis.

Even when the infection rate was falling, population growth kept the number of clinical cases more or less constantly at 8 __10__ million a year. Around 3 million of those people died, nearly all of them in poor countries.



You will think about what kind of saving instru- __1__ment to use or what kind of investment to make. By

putting your money in some kind of savings instrumentor investment, you can set aside small amount of mon- __2__ey regularly and the money will earn interest or dividends. Interest refers to the amount what your money__3__earns when it is kept in a savings instrument. Dividends are payments of part of a company’s earnings topeople hold stock in the company. A savings instru- __4__ment has an “interest rate ” associated with it; this refers to the rate which the money in the instrument in- __5__creases during a certain period of time. Principal refers to the facial value or the amount of money you __6__place in the savings instrument on which the interest isearned.

Every type of savings or investment has some riskthat the return will be less than needed or expected.Federally insured savings accounts are safe and guaranteed up to $100,000 by the U.S. Government.Therefore, they may have lower interest rates, making __7__it hard to save large amounts of money for college. __8__Bonds and stocks often have higher returns than sav-ings accounts or EE saving bonds but are more riskier. __9__You can reduce the risks of these kinds of investments by starting to save early. The earlier we begin the less __10__money you will have to put aside each month and the more total savings you will accumulate.





a small amount of 表示“少量的”,冠词不可缺。






关系代词which在此引导的同样是一个定语从句,并且在此应该用“介词+关系代词”这个形式,因为前面的rate往往用于短语at a rate,此处的介词可以提前。


票面价值应是:face value。











a small amount of 和small amounts of 用法的区别:

a large(great,good)amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词一般用单数;但(large,great,good)amounts of + 不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。

A large amount of damage <has been>done by the earth quake.

Large amounts of money <were>spent on the bridge.




Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely depend on the environment which we live. Keeping the air we __1__ breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making this earth a safe place. Other areas of concern are water, land, the ozone layer, and the preservation of flora and fauna of the planet.

Every country has ecological issues to deal. In South America, __2__ the rain forests are rapidly disappearing as people burn and cut down trees to make for farmland. Many Middle-Eastern and Asian countries __3__ have a battle to fight with air, water, and land pollution. Lakes and swamps are spread with debris. __4__ Mass chemical spraying is used to kill pests on trees and plants. Abundant __5__ use of water in countries as China has caused major water shortage. __6__ Rivers become polluted by factories and the populations that live on their banks. Global warming is considered a major factor caused __7__ the droughts in eastern China, the Sudan, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya.

The reduction of the ozone layer is blamed for the global warming trends in variant countries of this globe, and the spread of disease like skin __8__ cancer. Societies at large need to pay attention to the existing problems in order to get of the imminent danger of famine, drought and diseases __9__ that rise from the damage that pollution causes. __10__


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