遇到困难的话也别灰心,因为网上公开课的要求是跟大学里的本科课程一样严格的。我有几个观点,也许能帮到你。1. 选择你学过的课程所对应的网上公开课。一边学习新的内容一边学习新的语言是一个巨大的挑战。如果你的目标是练习英语,就选一门你已经理解了所有概念和中文术语的课程,这样就能专注于学习相应的英语。2. 选择讲一口清晰英语的教授。不少教授,尤其是科学和工程学方面的,外国口音非常浓重,有时就连美国学生都听不懂他们的英语。如果你意在练习英语,就避开这些教授,选别的课吧。加油,再接再厉!2. Look for a class where the professor speaks clear English. A lot of professors, especially in the science and engineering courses, have very heavy foreign accents. Sometimes, these accents are so thick that American students can't even understand their English. If your goal is to practice English, then avoid these professors; try a different class.3. Ask for clarification in the forums. if you really want to learn new content and a new language simultaneously, then be prepared for some time-consuming work. Sometimes, you can't understand a term just by using Google translate or maybe you still don't understand an idea after you looked it up in Chinese. In both of these cases, ask a lot of questions on the forums. Ask about what a word means. Ask for alternate explanations of an idea. Ask for examples.